Hi, I'm Luo

A Taiwanese, currently living in Kaohsiung, and you can often find me in the unassuming corners of coffee shops.

Side projects

Skill & experience


If I have 70 years

100 Todolist

  • Have your own business card!

  • It would be nice to take my parents to any place in Japan again

  • Living in Sapporo in winter

  • Go around the island again and record the journey

  • Build a warm space, maybe a small store, maybe a co-working space

  • Take the long-distance train from Perth to Sydney

  • Help your favorite stores and artists set up websites

  • Learn to dye clothes and dye a colorful hat

  • Go to a language school in the Philippines

  • Meet travel companions and travel together

  • Look out over the prairie from a ruined building, or look out over a ruined building from the prairie

  • Driving under the golden sunset, find a place to stop, just watch the sunset, like you did when traveling in Australia, and have a sip of beer if someone is driving.

  • Hot air balloon ride on the prairie

  • to be continue...

Coding to me is just like playing video games, don't you think?

This website utilizes Muuri for dynamic responsive design. You can freely resize the window to see - it's not particularly useful, but I just wanted to do it 🤣. Initially, the plan was to create it in the form of a digital business card, but I couldn't come up with a good design. As I kept working on it, the idea of shaping it into a dashboard-like format seemed appealing too - simple, and whatever you want to add, just turn it into "blocks". And so, it turned out this way~